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Prayer to Be Reconciled with God Father, Son and Holy Spirit

To Renounce Resenting God:

I choose to renounce wanting to get back at God regardless of the reason.

Cup your hands and place all the reasons for your anger with God (your Father in Heaven/LORD Jesus/the Holy Spirit) and all the things you hold against God in your cupped hands. It is important that you name every single one of them out loud as you place them in your cupped hands while saying:

“Father of tenderness, I offer You (name each of the things that you reproached the Father for). LORD Jesus, I offer You (name each of the things that you have reproached Christ for). LORD Holy Spirit, I offer You (name each of the things that you have reproached the Holy Spirit for).”

When you have completed this process, raise your hands to offer and release all these reasons for anger to the LORD that you hold against Him. Pray:

“(Abba my Father/Jesus my Savior/Holy Spirit), I beg Your forgiveness for having held these things against You, accusing You of evils for which You are not responsible. I give You each of these grievances and I ask You to accept them and pour Your love and the power of Your healing upon them. I thank You, (Father of tenderness/LORD Jesus/Holy Spirit), for You have the power and the grace to repair them. I ask You, LORD Holy Spirit, to remove all pain and wounds from each of these things in my heart, soul, and body. I ask You to lift the burden off of my shoulders. (Abba Father/LORD Jesus/Holy Spirit), I give them to You and I am sure You will deal with them. Thank You, LORD!”

Welcome the work of the Holy Spirit in a time of silence.

Turn your hands upside down, shake them out, and empty them.

Then, declare God’s goodness. “LORD my God, You are good. You are not responsible for evil. Your Word says, ‘God cannot be tempted by evil and He Himself tempts no one. … Do not be deceived, my beloved. Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no variation or shadow due to change’ Jm 1:13,16–17 NRSV-CE. If it is not a ‘perfect gift, … from above, coming down from the Father of lights’, it does not come from You, LORD.”

Then, declare the following decision:

 To restore your relationship with your Heavenly Father:

“Abba, Father, I decide in my heart that from today on, whatever the circumstances, I will always know that You are perfect, good, and full of love in all that You are and do. As proof of my trust in You, I venerate the Cross of Your Son Jesus, irrefutable testimony of Your love for me. I thank You for the trust and friendship that You offer me, and I choose You today as my dearest Father and my best friend.” Welcome the work of grace in a time of silence.

 To restore your relationship with Christ:

“LORD Jesus, I decide in my heart that from today on, whatever the circumstances, I will always know that You are perfect, good, and full of love in all that You are and do. I adore You, Jesus, and I thank You for having died and risen for me. I thank You for the trust and friendship that You offer me, and I choose You today as my Savior, my LORD, and my best friend.” Welcome the work of grace in a time of silence.

To restore your relationship with the Holy Spirit:

“Holy Spirit, I decide in my heart that from today on, whatever the circumstances, I will always know that You are perfect, good, and full of love in all that You are and do. I adore You, Holy Spirit. I thank You for the friendship and trust that You offer me, and I choose You today as my Guide, my Comforter, my Life, and my best friend.” Welcome the work of grace in a time of silence.

Then, make the following prayer as a declaration:

“When things go wrong, (Abba my Father/LORD Jesus/LORD Holy Spirit), and they don’t turn out as I expected, I won’t blame You. I will continue to trust You. LORD God, I choose to believe in Your love, in Your righteousness; I objectively Recognize that the fault lies elsewhere than in You. (LORD Father/LORD Jesus/LORD Holy Spirit), give me a faith that never falters. Enlighten me about You and draw me into an intimate relationship with You. Give me the desire to be like You.

  • For the Father: “Jesus, communicate to me the same love that You have for Your Father; Spirit of Jesus, communicate to me the same love that Jesus has for the Father.”
  • For the Son: “Father, communicate to me the same love that You have for Your Son Jesus; Spirit of the Father, communicate to me the same love that the Father has for His Son.”
  • For the Holy Spirit: “Jesus, communicate to me the same intimacy and docility that You have with the Holy Spirit.”

“Thank You, LORD.”

Recite this prayer often, until it becomes internalized within you.

Seeing Jesus as the perfect image of the Heavenly Father (Jn 14:9):

The best way for you to correct your image of God the Father is to choose to see the Father in Jesus. Jesus is the perfect image of the Father. That is the purpose of the following prayer. Read the prayer to understand it. Then, if you agree with it, declare it.

“LORD Jesus, You said, ‘Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father’ Jn 14:9 NRSV-CE. You are ‘the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being’ Heb 1:3. You exactly reproduce the features of the Father. ‘No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known’ Jn 1:18. LORD Jesus, God anointed You with the Holy Spirit and with power. You passed your time on the earth doing good and healing all those who were tyrannized by the devil because God was with You (Ac 10:38). You said, ‘I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father’ Jn 14:32. ‘The Father who dwells in Me does His works’ Jn 14:10. The Scripture says, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him’ Jn 3:16–17. O Jesus, Your Cross is the sign par excellence of the Father’s love for me. ‘As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in My love’ Jn 15:9. By Your death on the Cross, You reveal to us the love of the Father. Jesus, he who sees You sees the Father. I choose to see the Heavenly Father in You, Jesus.

“O Heavenly Father, I abandon all my false images of You and I choose to see You in Jesus. It is You, Heavenly Father, Who through Your Son Jesus, has forgiven sins, cast out demons, fed the crowds, raised the dead, gave sight to the blind, purified the lepers, and healed the lame and the infirm. You never refused to heal a sick person. All the sick who came to Jesus to be healed were healed by Jesus because of You because You want Your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Father of mercies, I am reconciled to You through Your Son Jesus. You offer me by Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, a personal relationship with You. Through Jesus, You give me the power to become Your child. So I proclaim, ‘Who will separate us from the love of Christ? … No creature can separate me from the love of God manifested in Christ Jesus, our LORD’ Rm 8:35–39.

Prayer to be baptized in the Holy Spirit:

Holy Spirit, You are the promise of the Father (Ac 1:4), the Gift of God (Jn 4:10), You manifest Yourself in me by the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22) and through me by the spiritual charisms (1 Co 12–14). You are ‘the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD’ Is 11:2; You are the Spirit of Truth (Jn 15:26), the Spirit of Christ (1 P 1:11).

Heavenly Father, in Your Word, You tell us that as a good Father, You give the Holy Spirit to those who ask You for Him (Lk 11:13). I need Your Holy Spirit for me to be more and more like Jesus, and as Jesus tells us, to do the same works as He did (Jn 14:12).

“Therefore, Abba, my Father, I ask You in the Name of Jesus Your beloved Son, please, baptize me in Your Holy Spirit! Thank You, Abba, for the gift of Your Holy Spirit. Amen!

“Holy Spirit, You are the Paraclete, the One Whom we called to help: advocate, counsellor, defender, intercessor, comforter (Jn 14:16). You teach me everything and remind me of everything that Jesus told us (Jn 14:26).

“I receive You, Holy Spirit, be welcome in my life. I choose to obey You, I submit to You. Be the Master of my life. Amen!”

Welcome the Holy Spirit in a time of silence; you asked for Him from your Heavenly Father. God answers all the prayers we ask of Him that correspond to His desire for us—and this is the most beautiful prayer that there is. Therefore, receive the Holy Spirit Whom the Father gives you. It doesn’t matter if you feel anything or not. What God gives does not necessarily depend on what you feel.