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Prayer to Release from Unhealthy Soul Ties

Prayer for self-freeing from unhealthy sex ties:

If you are dealing with personal sins, you must repent and ask forgiveness.

Prepare a list: Because the ties must be cut with each past sexual partner, whether there was consent or not, it would be useful, before starting the prayer that follows, to prepare the list. It would also be good to note if there is still an attachment of your heart to any of them. If so, you must renounce this bond by naming the person and commanding your heart to forget them. Only after that exercise should you proceed to the following prayer.

“In the Name of Jesus, by the power of His Cross and His Blood, I take the sword of the Spirit and I free myself. I cut the ties between myself and all my sexual partners of the past. In particular, I release myself from… (Name them one by one. Do not worry if you can’t name them all; Jesus knows who they are.)Welcome this work of grace in a time of silence.

“I deliver myself physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally from each of these people. I unbind myself from not only these people, but also from all people with whom these people have had sexual relations.” Welcome this work of grace in a time of silence.

“I place the Cross and the Blood of Jesus between myself and each of them. I sever all ties with each and every one of them. I implore You, Holy Spirit, to cleanse and purify my heart, my mind, and my body so that they may now walk in purity, redemption, and integrity.” Welcome this work of grace in a time of silence.

“Merciful Father, fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit so that I can move forward full of Your grace and mercy.” Welcome this work of grace in a time of silence.

“Eternal Father, fill me with Your love. Penetrate especially those dark, lonely areas of my interior life. In particular, LORD, grant me awareness of the immensity of Your personal love for me. I ask this of You, in the Name of Jesus, Your Son. Amen.” Welcome this work of grace in a time of silence.

If necessary, pray the prayer of Deliverance from Generational Iniquities (see Books: Volume 1 or Prayer Forms). Ask for purification from iniquities transmitted from generation to generation such as tendencies to adultery, incest, pornography, and sexual addiction.

If necessary, renounce the occult. (See Renunciation of the Occult—Prayer Form, in Books: Volume 1 or Prayer Forms)

Prayer to Divorce Incubus and Succubus Spirits
  1. For a woman, here is how to free yourself from an incubus spirit.

Do not doubt it: this night visitor is neither the LORD nor your guardian angel, but a demon. As long as you desire his “love,” you will not be able to cast the demon out.

• When your eyes open, you will be compelled to withdrawal, repugnance, rage, repentance … Forgive yourself; you have been deceived and the LORD forgives you.

• Break, if applicable, the pact made by your parents at your birth. Break, if any, the pact you made during occult or deviant sexual practices.

• You must solemnly renounce it, “a real declaration of divorce, of final, irrevocable severing of ties.”

Cast out the incubus, a demon, “In the Name of Jesus, incubus spirit, I divorce you, I cut all ties with you, I renounce you, and I command you, begone, present yourself before Jesus.”

• Because a soul tie has been created between the incubus and you, you must use your authority in Jesus to break this tie, this attachment, and give yourself back your freedom to have normal relations with your husband:

“In the Name of Jesus, by the power of His Cross and His Blood, I take the sword of the Spirit and I free myself, I cut the ties between myself and this incubus spirit. I extricate myself from this demon and I give myself my freedom to have normal relations with my husband.”

• Then, immerse your flesh and your spirit in the Blood of Jesus to purify yourself, “I immerse my whole being, spirit, soul, and body in the Blood of Jesus to purify myself of all defilement and I revive myself in the life of God. Amen.” Welcome the work of grace in a time of silence.

• Find the causes of your loneliness and vulnerability in your childhood. Often, adultery with an incubus spirit is rooted in well-hidden, repressed and unresolved feelings of rejection, usually from your father. Then, seek inner healing.

  1. For a man, here is how to free yourself from a succubus spirit.

• You must despise this demon that defiles you and separates you from God.

• Repent and renounce this relationship. The sacrament of Reconciliation would be a good idea.

• Break the pact made by you or your parents and let go of your sexual soul tie with this demon.

• Expel the succubus by commanding, “In the Name of Jesus, succubus spirit, I divorce you, I cut all ties with you, I free myself from you, I renounce you, and I command you, begone and present yourself before Jesus.”

• Because a soul tie has been created between you and the succubus, use your authority in Jesus to break this tie, this attachment, and to give yourself back your freedom to have normal relations with your wife:

“In the Name of Jesus, by the power of His Cross and His Blood, I take the sword of the Spirit and I release myself, I cut the ties between myself and this succubus spirit. I release myself from this demon and I reclaim my freedom to have normal relations with my wife.”

Immerse your flesh and your spirit in the Blood of Jesus to purify yourself, “I immerse my whole being, spirit, soul and body in the Blood of Jesus to purify myself of all defilement and I revive myself in the life of God. Amen.” Welcome the work of grace in a time of silence.

• Find the roots that allowed this infestation and this obsession to take them to the Cross. The most common causes are rejection or frustration with your mother or your female guardian during childhood, feelings of not having been chosen and held by your mother. Sometimes, the cause of your vulnerability to a succubus comes from a lack of breastfeeding or having been weaned too early.

• Expelling the succubus is often easy. The most difficult step is for the targeted person to make up his mind to systematically cast out the demon, until he is definitively released from the demon.

• It may happen that a spirit in male form, an incubus, visits a man, or that a spirit in female form, a succubus, visits a woman. This happens especially if the person already has a homosexual tendency.

• End with the prayer for healing of toxic emotions.

Release from unhealthy relationships
  1. You declare:

    • “In the Name of Jesus, by the power of His Cross and His Blood, I cut all unhealthy ties between myself and (name of the other person). Welcome this work of grace in a time of silence.

    • “Heavenly Father, I ask Your forgiveness for allowing such a relationship to develop to this point. I bind my heart, my mind, and my soul to You, LORD Jesus, and to no one else. I thank You, Abba, for Your mercy, and with You, I forgive myself.” Welcome this work of grace in a time of silence.

    • “LORD Jesus, I place Your Cross, I implore You, and Your Blood between myself and (name of the other person). Welcome this work of grace in a time of silence.

    If this is helpful, Abba Father, save and rebuild this relationship in a healthy way. If it is necessary, LORD, show me that this relationship has to be completely severed. I am ready to do this. I give myself to You, Father. LORD Jesus, thank You for dying on the Cross for me, for my sins. May I walk behind You and You alone as Savior and LORD. Amen.” Welcome this work of grace in a time of silence.

Release of someone under my control
  1. “Heavenly Father, I ask Your forgiveness for having attempted to control and manipulate others, especially (identify their names). I now understand that this is a sin and I ask Your forgiveness by the Blood that Your Son Jesus poured out on the Cross. I welcome Your mercy and with You, I forgive myself.” Receive the grace of God in a time of silence.

    “I acknowledge, Abba, that You are the one and only God; You are the Truth and the Life. I am not. I release my family, especially (names), into Your hands and I entrust them to You. I release my friends, especially (names), into Your hands and I entrust them to You.”

    “I pray that You help me not to seek to regain control over them. I thank You, my Heavenly Father, because You love them perfectly, better than I ever could. Thank You, LORD, that You will take care of them with Your Providence, so much better than I could. By the power and the kindness of the Holy Spirit, help me, Father, to entrust them entirely to You. Amen.”